1.1. All prices are in euros and do not include sales tax and other levies imposed by the government. Any special additional costs relating to the import and/or customs clearance of items to be delivered to the customer by the user are not included in the price and are therefore at the customer's expense.
1.2. The amounts shown in the user's offers are based on the prices, prices, wages, taxes and other factors relevant to the price level existing during the offer. If, after the (order) confirmation, one or more of the mentioned factors is changed, the user is entitled to adjust the agreed price accordingly.
1.3. If the price increase is affected under this provision and the increase exceeds 10 % of the total agreed amount, the customer shall be entitled to terminate the contract in writing within eight days of the knowledge of the price increase.
2.1. Payment must always be made within 30 days of invoice date. The customer is not entitled to offset any claim against the user against the amounts charged by the user. User always has the right to invoice delivered or delivered items per partial delivery.
2.2. Payment shall be made by deposit or transfer to a bank or giro account designated by user. The user always has the right to require security for payment or advance payment both before and after the conclusion of the contract, subject to suspension of the implementation of the contract by user, until the security has been provided and/or the advance payment has been received by the user.
2.3. If prepayment is refused, the user is entitled to terminate the contract and the customer is liable for the resulting damages for the user.
3.1. If the user provides a guarantee to the customer regarding the work or products it has supplied or delivered, it will expressly disclose this in writing to the customer. In the absence of such explicit written notification, the customer may not invoke a guarantee, without prejudice to his legal rights arising from mandatory provisions of law.
3.2. If a claim to the customer's guarantee is justified, the user will repair the products to be delivered - at the choice of user - or still deliver them as agreed, unless this would have become demonstrably pointless for the customer by now. If the user informs the customer that they will make the recovery, the customer will make the delivered products available to the user again, at her expense and for her risk.
3.3. Any warranty obligations of the user shall expire if errors, defects, or imperfections in respect of these matters are the result of improper, careless or improper use or management of the customer or customer's consent, or if they are the result of any external causes such as fire or water damage, or if the customer or a third party has made or has made changes to the items supplied by the user without the consent of the user. apply.
4.1 User is only liable for damages suffered by the customer, if and to the extent that such damage is the direct result of intent or deliberate recklessness of user executives.
4.2. The total liability of the user will in all cases be limited to compensation for direct damages, where the total amount to be paid by the user to the customer under any undoing obligations and compensation for damages will never exceed the maximum amount of the price negotiated for that agreement (excluding VAT).
4.3. The user is not liable for damages if and to the extent that the customer has insured himself against the damage in question or could have reasonably insure it.
The agreement is reached via the Internet.
5.1. When the agreement is reached via the Internet, for example you sell stuff through a webshop, the following points of attention apply:
5.2. The customer must explicitly agree to the terms and conditions, for example by checking a box stating: I agree to the terms and conditions. Of course, it must be clear which terms and conditions the customer agrees to, so they must have the opportunity to view the terms and conditions before or when agreeing. Also, the customer should be able to store it. Make sure that the box has not been checked in advance!
5.3. Please note that you must be able to prove afterwards that the customer has agreed to the terms and conditions. Therefore, make sure that this is reflected in your sales records.
Complaints scheme
6.1. The entrepreneur has a sufficiently published complaints procedure and handles the complaint in accordance with this complaints procedure.
6.2. Complaints concerning the performance of the contract must be submitted in full and clearly to the trader within 7 days, after the consumer has identified the defects.
6.3 Complaints submitted to the entrepreneur shall be answered within 14 days of the date of receipt. If a complaint requires a foreseeable longer processing time, the trader replies within the 14-day period with a message of receipt and an indication when the consumer can expect a more detailed response.
6.4. If a complaint is found to be justified by the entrepreneur, the entrepreneur will, at his choice or the products supplied, replace, or repair the products supplied free of charge.